Thursday, September 13, 2012

I thought this was going to be a breeze!!

   As a worker in the medical field, I see it all.  I see the patients that come in very sick and leave with a smile because they're doing much better than expected, then I see the patients that come in and are as healthy as can be and have such drama with their stay.  From the get-go, I've had a plan.  I've had a time line and I've had certain expectations.  I'm not sure why I did this because I know better, I know that things don't always go as planned when involving medical issues.  Boy, to say the least, it's been a pretty crazy roller coaster since surgery!!
   I had forgotten a small part in my last blog that I meant to write about and completely forgot. Hmmmm, imagine that?? lol  So, remember I said that I was basically trying to pull all my clothes off post op cause I was so stinkin HOT??  Yeah, it didn't stop.  When I finally woke up, post op like a billion hours later, I was ON FIRE!!! I had the room temp set at like 60 AND I had this huge fan that was constantly blowing on me.  Pretty sure it was the North Pole up in there.  Everyone left with frost bite. During all my visitations that I had, the egg doctor came by (several times, actually, to check on me... seriously, how nice was that??) and noticed that everyone had their parka's on and there I was, ice pack in hand, fan on, eating ice, trying to keep as little clothing on as I possibly could, room temp was at 60.  I said, "Man, it's hot in here". He gives me this shruggy, squinty eye look like a shy little boy and says, "Yeah, that's my fault." Well, how about we fix this little problem?  He says, "Dana, it's all the hormone shots you had a week ago."  Well, yipee, these hot flashes have still not ceased, only decreased, since then! lol
   After a few days of being discharged home, I started having these HORRIFIC pains in my left boobie area!  Off to Dr. Plastic surgeon we go!  I couldn't even walk it hurt so bad!  I was having muscle spasms from the tissue expanders!!!  Got some muscle relaxers and by the end of the day, I was smiling again!!!!  No more pain faces!!! :)
   Alright, so post op in the hospital after the mastectomy, I came out with four drains, JP drains, in my breasties.  There were two on each side of my body, located pretty directly under each arm pit.  They are just small drains that have a very big job!  These guys drain all the fluid out of my body that, if left in there, could become quite dangerous.  Sometimes these little drains can cause weird issues to happen, like becoming a little short of breath or not allowing the patient to breathe in and out fully.  Not a big deal, right?  Once they are removed, all typically goes back to norm.  I go home, feeling ridiculously great, and notice that for the next few days, I am just not able to take complete breaths.  I just blew it off to the drains being placed where they were.  I had no high heart rate, no shortness of breath, no pain, basically no symptoms at all.  *Here we go with all the personal stuff, so watch out!!*  Well, about six days post op, I had not gone, well you know, potty. (My face is red as I type this, however, due to me being in the medical field, it just is what it is!!) Well, when you have anesthesia, it puts you whole entire body to sleep and quite frequently, the tummy is the very last thing that wakes up, thus causing these issues.  Being on narcotics, i.e my morphine pump- which just so happened to be my bff while I was in the hospital, also slows the tummy down big time.  I was just concerned that this was going to cause me an issue, so Dr. General Surgeon and Dr. Plastic Surgeon had called me this particualr day to check up on me since I had been home.  I told them my situation, they gave me their solution. Oh my sweet baby Jesus!!!! I followed their specific instructions and guess what? It landed me in the ER with doubled over pain and some serious tears and frantic actions!  Thank goodness sister was at home with me that day and bless her little heart for trying to help me calm down! I had never in my life felt pain in my abdomen like I did this day.  I thought something SERIOUS was wrong!! Sister calls mom at work, mom says take her to the ER, I'm crying in the background, "I'm not going to the ER, I don't wanna go to the ER".  Lordie, I didn't know what I was saying because I DID need to go to the ER. Off we go, me gagging and crying and whimpering THE WHOLE WAY. OMG at the look on my sister's face this whole drive.  Had I been with it, it would have been a great picture opportunity.  lol Anyways, I get to the ER and my tummy completely stops hurting and all of a sudden, I get this over all body uncomfort.  I didn't hurt in just one spot, it was like I just felt like crap ALL OVER MY WHOLE BODY!  Back to a holding room I go.  I'm grouchy as ever, snapping at my poor mom and sister, to which I apoligized for later!! :)  I couldn't lay flat on the stretcher, I couldn't sit up, I couldn't lay on my side, I couldn't get comfortable AT ALL.  My heart rate was in the high 160s, blood pressure elevated. What the heck??? I was so confused. I thought, ok, something just ain't right here!!! I was just wimpering and constantly wiggling around in that bed, making all sorts of horrible faces.  Mom and sister both tried to calm me down, and yes mom brought out the mommy voice! lol  The nurses came in and were so sweet.  They were trying to make me comfortable, but nothing was working.  The ER doc ordered a CT with contrast of my abdomen to see what the heck was going on in there.  Order of elimination, right?? So, they bring the contrast, of which I gladly drink because of two things... 1. It's gonna help me get this scan to see what the deal is in the belly and 2. (Ear muffs!!) It ALWAYS gets those bowels moving and you're usually in business about 10 minutes after you finish it.  Guess what? It was a deal breaker for me!! OMG!! Before the CT scan, they decide to FINALLY (after being there almost an hour!!) give me some Dilaudid (I'll get to the narcotic story later) so that my pain level decreased. I was currently sitting at a 1000000 on a pain scale of 1 to 10. For real, I needed drugs, IMMEDIATELY!!! lol  I calm down tremendously after the Dilaudid and can kinda begin to maneuver around a little bit.  They decide that they're gonna do a abdominal xray prior to doing the CT.  Well, because I couldn't lay flat in the bed, I had to sit at an incline when they took the xray.  THANK GOD I DID!!! The ER doc came back in and said, "Well, the bottom lobes of your lungs just so happen to show up in your abdominal chest xray and Mrs. Clark, you have a pneumothorax." Well crap.  I know immediately what that means, I look at mom and sister and explain to them that I've got a collapsed lung! My post op xray was clear, so not too sure where this pneumo came from?  They call the ambulance to take me to the hospital because I was at our off site ER, which is fantastic btw!!  I complete my CT before I leave and off I go with the ambulance peeps.  These guys couldn't have been nicer either!  The driver looked at me right before we left and said, "I swear to not hit any bumps on the way!!"  All I could do was smile and clinch my little stretcher seat belt cause I was still in quite a bit of pain.  I get to the hospital's ER and my mother, being the mother that she is, has already called Dr. General Surgeon and Dr. Plastic Surgeon to tell them what was going on.  Plastic Surgeon was out of town, but General Surgeon just so happened to be at home. (Thank goodness cause he was leaving the next day to go out of town as well!!)  My heart rate was still high, but the pain meds were working! I was placed on a non rebreather, which is basically constant air so I could assist my lung that wasn't working properly.  This dr that I had never met before comes in and basically tells me that we are gonna hafta place a chest tube and blah, blah, blah.  All I heard was "chest tube".  I knew that my surgeon wasn't on call, so he wouldn't be the one doing it.  Now, I've been around the hospital long enough that I've seen lots of different procedures done.  CHEST TUBE PLACEMENT SUCKS!  It can be extremely painful because all they basically do is give you something to numb the skin, then they have to insert this extremely long tube into your lung area. Yeah, I wasn't excited about that!! One of my besties, who just so happens to be INCREDIBLY SMART (Thank you Mary!!!) saw on fb that I was on my way to the ER with a pneumo, so she met us in the ER.  Thank goodness she was up there to kinda help guide us, the girl that was on serious narcs and her family that had no clue exactly what was going on! lol  Apparently one of our pulmonologists had also found out what was gonig on and was giving Mary specific instructions to tell the ER doc.  I'm not sure what I did to deserve all of this care and concern, but at that moment, I couldn't be more greatful!  I was freakin out because here sat a dr that I could barely understand and he was just going to wait for the MD on call to come in a place this torture device in my lung. OMG I'm gonna just go ahead and pass out now!!! Out of the blue, in walks Dr. General Surgeon! My face lit up like the Griswolds house at Chrsitmas and the biggest burst of tears just came flowing.  Mom asked why I was crying and I said, "I'm just happy Dr. General Surgeon is here because I know he will sedate me if he needs to put my chest tube in!!!" lol  Seriously, that's ALL I was worried about, feeling that dang thing being inserted!! He was so dang nice, he told me he was going to send me to IMU for the night and place me on oxygen.  If the pneumo didn't fix itself, I was to go to radiology and have the chest tube placed under fluroscopy.  YAHOO DANA!!!! I could relax!! Off to the 6th floor we went.  I was pretty darn excited about being on 6 as well because my besties work on that floor and I knew I was going to be taken care of better than ever!  When I got up to the room, the night nurses, whom I had never met before, came in and said, "We know all about you and we promise that we will keep you comfortable and get this fixed!!" I've never seen more nurses working together, so hard to take care of a patient and their family.  Apparently my besties, that work day shift on 6, had all called these nurses and explained to them that they'd need to take really good care of me until they could get there and take care of me themselves the next day. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!!!!!  They were calling their fellow nurses and giving them all the details and telling them what they needed to do with me.  To me, it was the MOST priceless situation EVER!!!  Those night nurses came in and said, "ALL of your best friends have been calling us and have been making plans for you!!" SUCH a relief!!! I have the most bestest, sweetest, caring and awesome friends EVER!!!!!!  And did I mention that they're smart??? and that I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH?!?!?!?!
   The next day comes around, chest xray shows I still have a 20% pneumothorax... Guess who is going to get her very first chest tube?? My friend from radiology called me right before I went down and said, "Dana, I just want you to know that we are gonna sedate you for this." Best news I had heard in 24 hours!!! "And we are going to use a pig tail catheter", even better because it's actually smaller than the insertion part of a chest tube!! WIN WIN for ME!!!  I get down to radiology and all my friends down there are busy at work, trying to get me on the table.  Hugs and kisses from my family and off we go!  My friend, Julie, was so sweet!! She gave me my meds and just held my hand through the whole procedure.  (How do I know this?  Because I woke up a few times during the procedure.  Didn't feel a thing, HOWEVER, I did hear the dr saying, "Ugh, I can't get it" and hear him making noises of frustration.)  Julie is still holding my hand and I'm off to la la land again.  This time, I have a dream.  I had never met this particular physician before, however, I dreamed that I was taking beer and putting it in a cooler and we were going to the lake to have a beer now that he had successfully placed my chest tube.  OMG really??? Who dreams crap like that??? I can just see myself dragging my chest tube and my IV pole down to the lake with a cooler to celebrate this chest tube placement!  Whatever!!!! lol I woke up, was quite confused, but off to my room I went.  When I got back to my room, mom told me that the dr had come to talk to her and told her that was one of the hardest chest tubes he had ever had to place.  Seriously, what is with me???  I'm NEVER a complicated girl, so why this mess??  That must have been the result of my waking up and hearing him say, "Ugh, I can't get it", along with a few body moving thrusts I revieved when he was trying to lodge the tube through my ribs!! The person that invented sedation drugs needs a prize, btw!!!
   I have a new found appreciation and sympathy for my patients that have chest tubes post op.  I'm always compassionate, but wow that thing was uncomfortable.  It's like it was trying to poke out through the back of my ribs, so every time I laid down, I had to squirm around in the bed to try to get comfortable.  It was just such a weird feeling!!! I COULD BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee!!!  I ended up keeping the chest tube for a few days, just to make sure that my lungs were completely fixed!!  We were rockin and rollin at this point!!!  I was up in bed, visiting and giggling and just feeling so much better!  (BTW, the moral of this story is always listen to your mom... she ALWAYS knows best, even if she is at work and can't lay her eyes on you... she knows that desperate cry!!! Thank goodness she forced me to go to the ER!!)  Still had not fixed the tummy problem, but I didn't care at this point!!  I ended up staying in the hospital a total of four days, I believe.  Again, it helps to have low friends in high places people!  My day shift nurses for the next two days were Amanda and Shelley, two VERY special friends!  Secretly, I think they planned that so that it was them, my friends, taking care of me! :)  These two worked SO INCREDIBLY hard taking care of me.  I see these girls pretty much on a daily basis and I know that they are both outstanding nurses, but for me, they will never know the blessings they were to me.  I never had to ask for anything, they were both on top of all my meds and docs and basically everyone that stepped foot into that room!! :)  I can't thank them enough for taking SUCH good care of me while I was there!!!  They both went over and beyond their duties those days!!  My mom and sister absolutely fell in love with both of them, it was REALLY sweet to watch!!
   Mkay, so the chest tube issue is taken care of.  Back to the narcotic issues... I AM ALLERGIC TO EVERY DANG THING!  Really???  What else??  Vicodin, Codeine, Percocet, etc!! Rashes, hives, ITCHING OUT OF CONTROL, sweats, MISERY!!!  As a matter of fact, even several rounds of Benadryl wasn't cutting some of these side effects, so I was just having to wait it out until I could get something else to try!  I looked at my mom and told her I thought I was kinda a crap magnet (a term loosely used in the hospital setting!! lol) and that I just couldn't catch a break!!!!  Finally, I just went on a Dilaudid pain pump, which was lovely!! :)  Still had side effects, but they were by far decreased from all the other side effects!!  Man, I was up, moving around, sitting up in bed, chatting, visiting, LAUGHING!!! :)  I was hyper off the pain meds and exhausted all at the same time!! So many people were coming in to visit, which made me SOOOO very happy!!!!  I figured that if these kind people were sweet enough to take time out of their day to come and visit, then I needed to be awake and visit with them.  Plus, lets face it, who doesn't like all of their friends to come in and hang out?  At one point, each day, the nurses would put a sign on my door and say No Visitors.  I heard through the rumor mill that even a few docs that came by were re directed and told to come back later!  It made me sad cause I wanted to be kind to everyone, but THANK GOD those girls did that so we could get some sleep!!!! :)  It was just a steady influx of friends and family and I was loving every minute of the visitation!!!  So, the doors closed and it was quiet time.  Yeah, well, here's the deal... these narcs can make a light weight girl feel REALLLLYYYY good!!!  I noticed, several times, that I would just randomly fall asleep at the weirdest times.  For instance...  during nap time, I decided I was going to get out of the bed and sit in the recliner for a nap.  Mom was asleep on the couch and sister had crashed in my bed.  All was peacefull and snoring... A friend of mine had brought these adorable GET WELL zebra colored cookies to the room (Thanks Deanna!!! ).  I wanted one.  I opened the crunchy clear plastic bag covering the cookies on a stick, stuck my hand in and apparently fell asleep because when I woke up, hmmmm there was my hand, in the bag of cookies.  No one else saw that, right??? :)  Randomly, I would be asleep and then just wake up talking loudly to whomever would listen.  I would wake up saying stuff like, "Well Cindy, I'm just not sure what you should do" or "Samantha, it's on the chair".  WOAH NELLIE!!!  First, I don't know anyone named Samantha or Cindy.  Second, WHO DOES THIS JUNK???  I would look around the room to make sure no one was sitting in the corner, making fun of me!!! No such luck!  My sister got a video of me eating Strawberry Shortcake for dessert.  I took a bite, closed my eyes, chewed slowly.  Grabbed another bite, fell asleep with the fork and bite right by my mouth.  Woke up a little later and continue eating.  Talk about being wigged out!!!  I was scaring myself, but apparently I was a comical blunder to my family.  After the short cake issue, I looked over at mom and sister, so seriously, and they both gave me these raised eye brows and big eyes look like OMG girl, take another pain pill cause you're entertaining!!!! 

Here are the super cute cookies that stole my hand while I took a little baby nap!!! :)
   So, I felt better and it was time to pull the chest tube out.  Yet another nervous moment for me.  I've seen these tubes be pulled and some people scream and wanna punch the doc and others are just tough and suck it up.  Pulmonologist comes in and says, "Hey, grab those side rails right, have your mom help hold your hand, take in a deep breath and hold and say Eeeeeeeee.  Ready, 1...2...3..."  That man needs a prize for making me say Eeeeee because had I not said that, I may have let out a slight scream.  It NEVER hurt, at all, but it did feel like he was trying to pull my lungs, along with my spleen and pancreas out! WOW!  Such a strange feeling, but it was over in 3 seconds flat!  I was curious, so I looked over at the catheter and thought, "oh my gosh!! How could something so small cause such discomfort???"  It was crazy, but I was more than happy to get that thing pulled out!!  It was just me and the four drains going home!!!  I had such a great farewell from the hospital, lots of hugs and kisses!!!  My friend's little girl even rode down in the wheelchair with me.  She wanted to pretend that her little hand was broken, so she wore this blue glove and made me hold her hand in the air the whole ride down.  Cracking me up!!
   I get home, all is well, got some Dilaudid to take at home and another pain med that wasn't a nactotic and I was feeling GREAT!!! :)  Up and down and up and down and up and down!!!  This WAS NOT part of my plan!!!  I didn't make room for all of these "road blocks" to occurr!  However, they have all panned out, thus far, as being treatable and fixable!! :)  God has absolutely taken the very best care of me!!!  His grace and mercy and kindness have just surrounded me like no other and have kept me safe and have, slowly but surely, healed me.  I just don't think it's patience that He is trying to teach me here...  I'm SUCH a patient person, direct and timely, but patient!!  I tend to be laid back and easy going, so I'm going to have to keep waiting to see what the lesson was there??? He and I may need to have a talk about this?? lol
  Ok, I think I've exhausted my time here now!!  It's about 5 am and I've only slept two hours!  I'm gonna try to catch some sleep... TRY!!!!!  I have so much more to write about, but just can't sit in the same position for too terribly long!!  (Since when did I become 84 years old??) GAH!!! lol

Love you all and thanks for reading!!! :)  It always makes me happy when I hear my friends say these blogs made them laugh!!  These situations have just turned out to be quite comical and for that, I am SO THANKFUL!!!  If I couldn't sit and laugh about these situations, I would cry every day and then the next place you guys would be coming to visit me would be in the nice padded room... Hmmm!!! *We may ALL consider joining this facility... Just sayin'*  :)

And yes, after diligent try after try after try of everything AND I DO MEAN EVERYTHING to get my insides to start working, we finally got the abdominal issue taken care of!! (Snicker, snicker, snicker...)